Tuesday, September 13, 2011


(Posted by AR -- Bill's velveteen rabbit companion)

You have to realize that, when you're a rabbit, you're really pretty vulnerable.  There are a lot of predators out there -- wolves, foxes, dogs. . .  Even when you're a stuffed rabbit, there are stuffed dogs (well, maybe not so many stuffed wolves and foxes.)  I do have a dog friend, but he's an agreeable sort who seems to prefer Thai food.

My point is that I don't understand why you humans are so afraid of everything.  I mean, you can leave your houses anytime you want without getting assaulted by a larger animal.  Even more amazing, since you don't have any natural predators, you seem to have filled the gap by attacking each other.  I really don't get it -- is it because you're bored?  Life without foxes chasing you is so boring that you have to kill each other?

If that's what happens when a species lacks predators, well, I'm glad that we have foxes and wolves.  I'd rather be hunted than turn on my own species.

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