Thursday, September 1, 2011

Tropical Storm Irene

(Posted by AR -- Bill's velveteen rabbit companion)

You humans are a reasonably good lot -- on the whole -- but you really bother me when you say insensitive things.  For example, some humans have said that the media overhyped Irene.  Now when you're only 9 inches tall (as I am -- with ears fully-extended), several inches of rain is definitely problematic.  But that doesn't resonate with humans -- just because they're all giants, they don't seem to think that several inches of rain is a problem.

Interestingly enough, humans are the same way with each other.  They seem to care so passionately about what happened to Caylee Anderson and, admittedly, that is important.  But a few hundred thousand kids die in Africa, and everybody says "What a shame -- is there any news about Caylee?  I wasn't on the jury, of course, but I just know that her mother did it."  Is it because most of these kids in Africa are black and Caylee was a cute little white kid?

Hey, remember -- I'm a stuffed animal.  I totally get "cute".  "Cute" can get you pretty far -- I have to admit that I've played that card to the hilt myself.  But here's my question -- don't you humans feel like you have things just a little out of proportion sometimes?

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